This year, we cover three transdisciplinary themes.

How the World Works

NameCentral IdeaLink
Kemal, Kian, Maira, Mina, NairaUnderstanding digital safety and the age-appropriateness of platforms to promote children’ well-being.
Ibrahim, Naura, Raihan, Ramya, RubyMisinformation and disinformation in the age of AI can influence human life and society in various ways.
Kamini, Mikko, Nadia, RaylenThe use of technological advance in education promotes the importance of ethical practices and responsible use among students.

How We Organize Ourselves

NameCentral IdeaLink
Amnah, Arkana, Attar, Nata, QiaCommunity plays a key role in providing an accessible and safe learning environment.
Ayda, Ethan, Jeth, Renzo, ShaebiaEnsuring food self sufficiency strengthens Indonesia’s economic growth.
Affan, Fawwaz, Isabel, Naureen, PranaUnhealthy food choices increase diabetes in children and affect their health and well-being.
Aima, Kanaka, Kael, Raif, YaserResponsible and collaborative action to fulfill sustainable energy self-sufficiency.
Aldric, Alyssa, Faiq, Kaina, MegumiCombating corruption requires multiple aspects involving government, laws, and communities.

Sharing the Planet

NameCentral IdeaLink
Eloy, Kenaz, Kissa, Lennox, RaishaHuman choices and activities significantly influence the life of endangered species.
Aidan, Alya, Leshia, Obelixa, RayyanThe interdependence of population and consumption requires collective responsibility for environmental balance.