Lines of Inquiry

How human activities influence freshwater withdrawal - Causation
The exploitation of freshwater withdrawal change the environment - Change
The importance of water management to reduce freshwater withdrawal - Responsibility

Key Concept


Related Concept

Natural resources (Water)

Allah created us as a Khalifah or a leader who has the responsibility to take care of the Earth and water is a part of it. If we don’t take care of the water then Allah will take it from us.

Meet the Mentors

ms. cendy, ms. santi, ms. risna

Ecological Doughnut

Nature has gifted us some precious and valuable resources and water is one of them and is our basic need. All living beings need water for their survival and to carry out their survival and to carry out their vital life processes.

Our Planet, Earth, has three –fourths of its surface area covered with water and only one- fourth has land masses. Life originates in water. Even today, millions of year later, water continues to be an essential requirement of life.

Do you know? 71% of Earth’s surface is covered by water, but there is only 2.5% of fresh water that’s locked up in ice and ground. The available freshwater to be used is only 1%. Therefore we need to be more wise in using freshwater.

Step 1: Identifying Global Issues

Exploring, Wondering, and Questioning

A person on an average can survive without food for days, but cannot survive without water. Water is the basic need of any living being. But sadly this basic need is soon nearing its end. Thanks to the high amounts of water consumption. The availability is also decreasing. Let us learn more the water consumption, availability, and cycle. There is a increasing awareness that our freshwater resources are limited and need to be protected both in terms of quantity and quality. This water challenge affects not only the water community, but also decision-makers and every human being. “Water is everybody’s business” was one the the key messages of the 2nd World Water Forum.

Whatever the use of freshwater (agriculture, industry, domestic use), huge saving of water and improving of water management is possible. Almost everywhere, water is wasted, and as long as people are not facing water scarcity, they believe access to water is an obvious and natural thing. With urbanization and changes in lifestyle, water consumption is bound to increase. However, changes in food habits, for example, may reduce the problem, knowing that growing 1kg of potatoes requires only 100 litres of water, whereas 1 kg of beef requires 13 000 litres.

Step 2: Determining Time Frame

Making Connections between Previous Learning and Current Learning

To organize the steps during the Exhibition, we set the timeline. We start our exhibition journey on January by identifying the problems and set the timeline. On February we start to collect, experiment and analyse the data. We also get the conclusion so on March we start to do our action and share the exhibition.

Step 3: Engaging Support From the Learning Community

Collecting Data and Reporting Findings or Researching and Seeking Information

After formulating our problem, we started to collect the data. We conducted a survey to 100 people in Al Jabr from different levels and backgrounds to know their awareness in using water. We asked them five questions and the result shows 52% of the Al Jabr community has high awareness and 48% has low awareness. We need more people in Al Jabr to be more aware of the freshwater withdrawals. Freshwater withdrawal is the process of getting water from the ground.


Interview's Questions

  • Berapa kali kamu cuci tangan dalam sehari? Lebih atau kurang dari 5 kali?
  • Saat menggunakan air di keran, di buka full atau secukupnya?
  • Saat minum menggunakan botol atau gelas? Kalau pakai gelas apakah airnya di habiskan?
  • Apakah kamu pernah lupa mematikan keran?
  • Apakah kamu pernah main atau membuang buang air?
high awareness
1 %
low awareness
1 %



We tried to validate our interview result by checking the hydrometer in Al Jabr to know how much water that is used per day. There are 3 buildings in Al Jabr and there are water tanks in each building. Based on the data on hydrometers, we used around 21.000 litre of water per day at 1 building so if there are 3 buildings,  the use of water in Al Jabr is around 63.000 litre per day.


For the next step, we engaged Support From Learning Community. We did field trips. First, we explored Al Jabr with Pak Mardi to know the water management here. We got so much information. Now we know that Al Jabr has installed a water management system. One of the interesting systems is the rainwater harvesting tank. Al Jabr has 3 rainwater harvesting tanks, 2 tanks are in the ground and the other one is on the surface of the ground and is located near the swimming pool. This tank can collect rainwater and we can reuse the water to water the plants.


To gain more understanding of water management, we visited Pacific Place the eco-friendly building that has been certified by Greenship. This building has great water management. They recycled the waste water so they can reuse it.


We visited the Directorate of Water Resources at the Ministry of Public Work. There we got information about the water cycle, water supply, kind of freshwater, how to save the water and the government role in providing freshwater for the people. For example, the government doesn’t allow industry to use groundwater. Groundwater is suggested only for domestic needs.

Land subsidence in Jakarta compared to the flooding event induced by the 18.6 year tidal cycle in November 26, 2007. The upper blue line shows that expected effect of sea level rise is only marginal.


We also visited Balai Konservasi Air Tanah under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral. We learned about land subsidence. Land subsidence is sudden sinking of Earth’s surface. It’s caused by the ground water exploitation. Surprisingly Land subsidence is happening in Jakarta. Based on the data, since 1982 the land of Jakarta especially in North Jakarta has lowered around 25cm. The scientist predicts Jakarta may sink by 2050 and it’s not hoax.

Land subsidance is the settlement and sinking of the ground surface. The land subsidance can be caused by natural and human activity. Based on data from 1925 to 2015 in jakarta, land subsidence was 3 to 4m and land subsidence was 5cm or more per year, this condition occurred due to excessive groundwater extraction at high population density such as around the north jakarta coast which is close to the economic center and industry. This can result in an increased risk of flooding and storm surge. As a result, the economy is also disrupted. There are several ways to deal with land subsidence such as utilizing groundwater, making infiltration wells, opening green open spaces and rainwater harvesting. We can also start from ourselves to save water.

What Is Water Conservation?

Water conservation is the practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage. Water conservation has become essential in every part of the world, even in regions where water appears to be enough. It is the most practical and environment-friendly approach to lessen our need for water. Likewise, using less water puts less weight on our sewage treatment facilities, which use ample energy for heating water.

Main reasons to conserve water:

  • Conserving water saves energy. Energy is important to filter, heat, and pump water to your home, so lessening your water use likewise decreases your carbon traces.
  • Consuming less water keeps more in our environments and aids with keeping wetland habitats best for creatures like otters, water voles, herons, and fish. This is particularly significant during dry season periods.
  • Conserving water can save you money. If you have a water meter, the less water you use, the less you might be charged by your water company.

Key Facts about our water:

Water is the most important natural resource that living things need. But at the same time, it has also been misused and wasted. To better grasp the full significance of water conservation, take a look at the few yet key facts about water:

  • The average adult human body comprises 50-65 percent of water. They are averaging around 57-60 percent. Infants have a higher percentage. Often around 75-78% water, dropping to 65% by one year.
  • The Earth has a limited amount of water. The water we have now is all we get, recycled repeatedly. The water cycle can help you understand this condition.
  • Water is the basic demand for every food. It grows our fruits and vegetable, and each livestock consumes it.

Step 4: Organizing Learning

Experimenting and Playing with Possibilities Solving Problems in a Variety of Way

Organizing the learning process is an important step in formulating our understanding.

Summarizing the Information


10 %

After analyzing the data, we start to find the solution to our problem. We experimented on the tap. We modify the tap by using wire to make the tap cannot fully open. Then we compare our modification tap with the regular tap. We turned the taps at the same time for 15 seconds. From the experiment, we got a result. The modification tap produced 1000 ml of water and the regular tap produced 3300 ml of water. It means it can reduce the use of water to 69.7%

Step 5: Monitoring the Exhibition

Taking and Depending a Position

We regularly have discussions with our mentors tomonitor the learning. Taking notes, summarising, reading, making reflections, and collecting and analyzing the data are the parts of our mentoring session. 

Mentoring Sessions

Parents Meeting

Step 6: Sharing the Exhibition

Establishing and Testing Theories

Let's Take Action Now!

Words may inspire, but only action creates change. -SIMON SINEK-

we care, we share!

Student action is about young people making positive changes (big or small) as a result of their learning.

“Action, the core of student agency, is integral to the Primary Years Programme (PYP) learning process and the program’s overarching outcome of international-mindedness. Through taking individual and collective action, students come to understand the responsibilities associated with being internationally minded and appreciate the benefits of working with others for a shared purpose. When students see tangible actions that they can choose to take to make a difference, they see themselves as competent, capable,d active agents of change.” (Oxfam 2015 cited in My IB, The Learner, Action & International Mindedness)

Students in the PYP demonstrate action when they have linked their learning to real-life issues and opportunities.

Action can take many forms, and could include:

  • a change in attitude
  • a consideration or plan for action in the future
  • a demonstration of responsibility, or of respect for self, others and the environment
  • a commitment to leading or participating in further action opportunities
  • an engagement in school decision-making or an expression of support in the community

Action might come in the form of participation, advocacy, social justice, social entrepreneurship or life choices.


Supporting positive changes for social, environmental, and political issues through individual or group actions.


We conducted advocacy action, it’s a Water Hero Fair.  ​In this event, we shared information about freshwater and the campaign to save the freshwater. There are also games, bazar, and fun painting.

Another advocacy action is to inform the Al Jabr community about the Rainwater harvesting tank that has a function to collect rainwater and reuse it to water the plant. Then we stick stickers on the sink to remind people not to turn the tap full.





We participated in fundraising by selling tote bag and tumbler that we designed by ourselves. We donated the profit to Desa Wonerejo Semarang that need instalment of freshwater from the surface water to their houses.  

Panel Session


After the up and down journey, alhamdulillah we can follow the process smoothly by working hard and getting many supports from parents, mentors, teachers and the community.








May Allah Bless You All

© 2023 PYP Exhibition AL Jabr Islamic School. All Rights Reserved.

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