Exploring the Versatility of Architecture and Interior Practicing Craftsmanship
Since I have prior knowledge in sketching and interest in architecture and interior design, I want to explore craftsmanship and develop my design abilities by experimenting with different materials at home and school. I want to be able to improvise using the materials I have around me.
My product goal is to create a set of furniture, changing the function of recycled materials into a shelf, a coffee table, and a lampshade.
Expected date | Task | To do | Category success criteria | Progress |
3/8/2023 – 10/8/2023 | Research |
| Done |
10/8/2023 – September | 1st Sketch |
| Done |
28/8/2023 – 10/10/2023 | Interview |
| Done |
31/8/2023 – 20/9/2023 | Create mood boards |
| Done |
October – November | Sketch finalization |
| Done |
October – November | Material preparation |
| Done |
9/11/2023 – 29/11/2023 | Creating |
| Done |
9/11/2023 – 19/11/2023 | Measuring |
| Done |
December | Feedback |
| Done |
I started by doing basic research online. I did research on how to sketch for designing, crafting, and inspirations. I interviewed multiple experts in design. The first expert was Junita Sulistiyani, an interior designer who will help me understand the process of designing. The next expert was Kak Bala, a furniture maker (The Karatan) who will help me understand how to create a design using limited materials, especially used garbage. The third one was Dendy Darman, a famous artist and graphic designer who designs houses and furniture. I wanted to learn how he creates intricate designs, especially as an artist.