Our Team Members


Ms. Winda

Ms. Endang

Ms. Rio


How The World Work

An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; and the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

Central idea

Key Concept

Related Concept

Lines of Inquiry

Learning Outcomes

Harmless Chemical Play an Important Role of Human Health

  • Form
  • Causation
  • Responsibility

  • Properties and uses of materials
  • Sustainability

  • The types of harmful Chemicals in household product.
  • The impact of BPA to human health.
  • Human are responsible as a good consumer.

Learning Continuums

 For example, when we eat and drink from the plastic packaging too much it can cause chemical pollution and can harm our health in many ways if the plastic contains toxic chemicals such as BPA.

Identifying Globally Significant Issues

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a controversial issue nowadays because it is harmful to human and the environment. For example, lots of baby bottles with BPA may endanger the health of babies. It’s important to consider BPA since the risk of it is not yet comprehensively understood. The worst-case scenario is that our drinking water is already polluted by BPA but we don’t know.


What is Bisphenol A

Bisphenol A is a kind of emerging contaminants and is an organic synthetic compound that is a xenoestrogen, exhibiting estrogen-mimicking, hormone-like properties. BPA is usually used to make certain plastics and epoxy resins. BPA-based plastic is clear and tough, and is made into a variety of common consumer goods, such as water bottles, sports equipment, CDs and DVDs.


To collect data we conducted a survey of people at the Al Jabr school and its surroundings.


People use plastic for wrapping things, water bottles, food containers, and so many other purposes. We wonder if behind its benefits, is there any harm caused by the use of plastics? Then, we found that there is a dangerous substance called Bisphenol-A or BPA. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of it. In the survey we did, 60% of people don’t know about BPA. Even if they know, 81% of them still use it. This data makes us curious, how to prove BPA contents in plastic so we can convince people about the danger.



Determining Timing And Time Frame

Making Connections between Previous Learning and Current Learning


Engaging Support From The Learning Community

Collecting Data and Reporting Findings or Researching and Seeking Information

To achieve our goals, we collect data from some experts. One of them is doctor sylvia. She is a pediatrician. We interview her through zoom meeting and ask some questions.

dr. Sylvia tells us that baby bottles have BPA, and if a mother consume BPA the mother’s breast milk will contains BPA


And dr sylvia also says that the effects of BPA and the effects are obesity, femine, hormone acceleration, diabetes type 2 and even cancer.


Visiting Le Minerale Factory

We learned about the origins of plastic how important to check the code  le  minerale plastic bottles are made from the plastic pellets. 


We need to check the code certificate SNI and BPOM before we use. After we use the plastic bottle we should separate the waste so the  factories can easily  recycle  them.



Visiting BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan) RI.

There are 3 different types of food contamination. The first one is physics like hair, bones or even staples. The second one is biology, like virus bacteria and fungus.BPA is in the chemical contamination.The BPA chemical contamination can happend if we let the BPA bottle get exposed to the sunlight.if the plastic that contains BPA gets exposed to the sunlight the BPA can migrate the drink or food.


Interviewing Ibu Arzeti Bilbina as the representative of KOMISI IX DPR RI. She mentioned her concern regarding BPA’s effects towards human health, especially for children.

The government should make a more strict rule in the use of plastic and also make sure that the food and drink that would be sold in Indonesia is safe. And for the citizens they should check under the bottle and see if there is a code that have the number 1234567 to make sure that they are safe before the food and the drink is consume.


Our Field Trip Reflections


Organizing Learning

Experimenting and Playing with Possibilities Solving Problems in a Variety of Way

After analyzing the data, we start to find solution to our problem. We do an experiment tohow that plastic packaging may contain BPA. According to our survey most people don’t realize that inside plastic packaging there is a harmful chemical like BPA, most people use plastic bottle and plastic bag in there daily life.

That’s why we do the experiment to prove that plastic is dangerous for our health. We use cotton buds to see the change of the color.


BPA or bisphenol a contain a phenol which is in the alcohol family of benzene so if we add another type of alcohol it will dissolve the BPA.

We use iron III chloride because it has an orange color so we can see the reaction happen.

1. Boil water using heating mantle

2. Push down the plastic cup and can under the hot

3. water.

4. Dip the cotton bud in alcohol

5. Rub the cotton bud against the plastic cup and the


6. Put in glass plate and put few drop iron III chloride



The first one we just left it in the fume hood for 24 hours and the second one we immediately heated the plastic bottle.inside the plastic bottle is a mixture of 50 ml of alcohol and 50 ml of water.









We put a few drops of water from the plastic bottle and the FeCl3 solution in a glass plate.




The color of the drop of the mixture will turn into orange until violet if the mixture is contaminated with BPA.




Monitoring The Exhibition
Taking and Depending a Position
So after a really long journey, we tried to look back and monitor our exhibition whether we are on the right track or not. Also, we want to decide what the next step is in the exhibition.


Sharing The Exhibition
Establishing and Testing Theories

  1. We share the data that we collected to the Aljabr community by wearing a costume about plastic.

2. Performing a puppet show to grade 2 until grade 4 a fictional story with real information that we collected throughout this exhibition journey


3. Creating a note pad and pin design

 3. Creating a game about BPA.

The game that we created is catch the bottle.The instructions are: catch the BPA free bottle but don’t catch the bottle that has the BPA free writing the bottle that don’t have the BPA free writing.

5. Sharing to other school, MI Roudhatul Jannah, Cinere-Depok.

We share the information about BPA free, the diseases that are caused by BPA, the plastic code, the right way of throwing away plastic waste and the danger of BPA.


6. Campaign through instragram Peduli Anak Dunia, and KomNas Anak Indonesia

staging in mainhall


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