Sharing the Planet
An inquiry into rights and responsibility in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them: access to equal opportunities; peace and resolution.
Ocean Team
I like fish and the huge variety of species and colors
They have their own uniqueness and I like their beauty and nature living thing
There are so much different and unique types of sea animal. They host about 80% of the planet's biodiversity.
Because the way their systems work are very unique and cool
Mrs. Imel
Mrs. Nurul
Doughnut Economics
Ecological Ceiling
Ocean Acidification
When we release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the air, you might wonder where it goes. Does it just stick around in the atmosphere? Indeed, about half of it does, but the rest gets absorbed—by plants and our oceans. The fact that 30 percent the ocean absorbs the CO2.
STEP I: Identifying Globally Significant Issues
Exploring, Wondering, and Questioning
The ocean provides us with benefits, like oxygen, food, fresh water, allows humans to trade, and gives many of us jobs in fisheries, trade, shipping, tourism and travel, source of minerals, energy resources, and medicines. Besides serving as a source of economic opportunities, recreation, and food, surface waters are also home to tens of thousands of sea creatures across the globe.
Unfortunately, these sea creatures are no longer safe in their homes. In the 200-plus years since the industrial revolution began, human activities such as factories, burning fossil fuels, deforestation and other increases carbon dioxide. The rising concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is driving up ocean surface temperatures and causing ocean acidification.
As much as harmful practices account for the death of trillions of marine lives every year. What we fail to understand is that these harmful practices are not only driving these sea creatures into extinction but also pushing the balance in the ecosystem to the far end. Now, our world is in trouble and we have only a few years to correct our grave mistakes. Because of this, it is important to protect and preserve the oceans and its biodiversity.
STEP II: Determining Timing And Time Frame
Making Connections between Previous Learning and Current Learning
Mentor meeting is the effective way we collaborate. We read and discuss about the next step to our goals. We are so happy to discuss it by using hands on games, Thank you, Pusat Riset Oceanography gave us the board game about sea animals and ocean issue. Talking about biodiversity in the ocean is an interesting topic that we learn. We know it since we were in Pre-K.
STEP III: Engaging Support From The Learning Community
BRIN Pusat Riset Oseanografi, Kawasan Sains Jakarta Ancol
Jalan Pasir Putih I, Ancol Timur
Jakarta 14430
To gain information and knowledge about ocean acidification and sea animals. We had the opportunity to meet and interview them in BRIN Pusat Riset Oceanography, Ancol, North Jakarta. The event was held on Thursday, 2 Februari 2023. We met two scientist Mr. M. Abrar, M.Si and Tyani Fitrian, M.Si. They told us The oceans absorb about 30% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) released in the atmosphere. As the rate of atmospheric CO2 increases from human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels (e.g. car emissions) and changes in land use (e.g. deforestation), the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the ocean also increases. When CO2 is absorbed by sea air, a series of chemical reactions occurs resulting in an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions. This process has far-reaching implications for the oceans and the creatures that live there. There are sea animals that got impacted from that chemical reaction; corals, mollusca, crustacea (crab), oysters. Mrs. Tyani said “ocean acidification is already impacting many ocean species, especially organisms like oysters and corals that make hard shells and skeletons by combining calcium and carbonate from seawater.” In other words the sea animals that have hard shells lack the builder to build their body and to grow.
In BRIN Oceanography, we saw many collection about animals; turtle, shark and other sea animals.
Ibu Nurul brings us to see the laboratoriums. We saw a pH meter for the diver, shark jaws, and plankton from the microscope.
We are thinking about how to help this ocean. We read many articles that relates to our topic. The answers are Mangrove and Lamun. We learn about Mangrove and Lamun from the expert, Bapak Endang Tatang, he is from Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu. He explained about Ocean Acidification and the influence of lamun, coral and reefs in coastal area Jakarta City.
Reflection From Guest Speaker, Taman Nasional Kepulaun Seribu
We divided the fresh ocean water into three; normal fresh ocean water, normal fresh ocean water + vinegar and normal fresh ocean water + bayclin.
The materials; Egg, Eggshells, pH meter, fresh ocean water, vinegar and bayclin
STEP IV: Organizing Learning
Experimenting and Playing with Possibilities Solving Problems in a Variety of Way
To prove acidic water effect to the sea animals that has shells. So, we did the experiment by using eggshells to represent the seashells animals, a digital pH meter, and the most important thing is fresh ocean water. We collaborate with the parents, they support and help us to get the fresh ocean water.
We divide the fresh ocean water into three glasses,
Glass A: Fresh ocean water + Eggshell
Glass B: Fresh ocean water + Vinegar
Glass C: Fresh Ocean water + Bayclin
As the information from Mr. Abrar and Mrs. Tyani, the normal pH ocean is 8.
Observation day: We record the progress of eggshells and egg daily routine. This photo taken after 24 hours
ocean Acidification Challenge
After we observe for one week, we find out the result of three different glasses.
We cracked the egg and we observe the yolk. We illustrate that the yolk is the meat of the seashells.
The acid water makes the skin of the eggshells became easily crack and dissolve. When we cracked the egg, we find out the yolk so watery.
The water plus the bayclean, it illustrates the polluted water in the ocean. The color of the eggshell became lighter than before.
The glass which fill in the fresh ocean water, the egg is normal condition and have fresh yolk.
The condition of water and egg after one week.
STEP V: Monitoring The Exhibition
Taking and Depending a Position
After doing experiment, we record the result up to one week. We found that many differencess before and after for the glass contain bayclin and vinegar (acidic water).
Eventhough it is smelly, we try to know the yolk inside in each glasses
How to Solve this Problem?
We are facing the big problem in this earth. Ocean acidification is threaten for human kind and sea creatures. Together, we are trying to help this earth better. It is make us curious how to solve this problem, where we find the solution, and how we as grade 5 grader also involve the earth. We are reading about the innovation that already invented before and asking the guest speakers. The answer about those questions are planting Mangrove and sea grass. What about human activity in this earth? Yes we have to apply healthy lifestyle, walk more drive less, and reduce burning fossil fuel on the sea and on the road.
Experiment about Seagrass or Lamun to reduce the acid water
STEP VI: Sharing The Exhibition
Establishing and Testing Theories