No.NameProjectSubjectVerse of Al-QuranAction
1Mazaya Putri RamadhanMembuat poster untuk membantu sekolah SD Islam Al Hansaniyah pada pelajaran Islamic mengenai Nabi IsmailIslamic StudiesQ.S As-Saffat 100-111Participation
2Arka & ZeeMembuat video 10 menit tentang basketPHEQS al-Baqarah [2]: 247Lifestyle choices
3Alana Rameyza Elyasinging english songs to strenghen ourLanguage AcqusitionsQS. Thaha: 114Advocacy
4M.Najwan.RMembuat poster untuk membantu sekolah SD Islam Al Hansaniyah pada pelajaran Islamic mengenai Nabi IsmailIslamic StudiesAL BAQARAH AYAT 246 – 251Participation
5Regisha Naurah CantigiMembuat poster untuk membantu sekolah SD Islam Al Hansaniyah pada pelajaran Islamic mengenai Nabi IsmailIslamic StudiesAs- Shaffat ayat 99- 113Participation
6Membuat poster untuk membantu sekolah SD Islam Al Hansaniyah pada pelajaran Islamic mengenai Nabi IsmailIslamic StudiesQ.s. al-Mujadalah : 11Participation
7Fabien AtaziyaTutoring students who struggle with english, mostly grammarEnglishAdvocacy
8Orlando & RivazIndirect Approach by creating a video that will contain the very basics of the English language, nouns, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, etc. The general idea is to introduce the unacquainted students to the English language by firstly presenting them with the basics.EnglishQS. An Nisa ayat 63Advocacy
9Cairo, Dhirgham, AlanoCreating a poster about human rights to spread awarnesss through social media and etc.I&SQ.S Al-Ma’idah ayat 8Social justice
10Faiq & RakhaInteractive story telling to widen english vocabulary and improve grammarEnglishSocial entrepreneurship
11Neysa Garnissya Gardiawanraising awareness by reviewing data of covid 19 from other countries and differenciate it with Indonesia covid 19 cases to create solution for our society to become better at handling this virus spread (poster/video)I&SQ.S As-Saffat Ayat 99Participation
12Muhammad Arsya R. J.Islamic StudiesQ.S As-Saffat Ayat 99Participation
13Dante L. Djorghistreetfeeding and possibly rescuing stray catsEnglishQS. An-Nuur, 24 : 45Participation

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