Meet our Researchers

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Alisha Inaya Istamar

Aku suka belajar dari para ahli karena ilmunya lengkap sekali. Aku suka topik ini karena aku suka geografisĀ 

Adrian Danesh Gunawan

My feeling from following this exhibition is pretty happy because I got to know more about natural disaster, and what I feel from meeting with BNPB is still surprised from information they told us

Anindya Hayati Quaneisha Ujung

I feel happy because I met mentors that kind and make me can make my journal and my feels was little bit confused because some assignments are little bit harder than I think, but I feel so happy.

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Muhammad Raziq Alfariziā€‹

Aku sangat senang karena ini pertama kali exhibition. Aku juga senang karena dapat bertemu dengan mentor dan topik bencana alam

Ayaka Omuraā€‹

I feel very happy because I met with some experts (BNPB and BPBD) that knows more information and meeting my mentors. I got a lot knowledge about our topic. I am also very happy because in the exhibition, I can explain more information to other students who does not know anything.

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Muhammad Ayman Hadiā€‹

Selama exhibition ini, aku merasa senang karena aku bisa mewawancarai BNPB, tahu banyak informasi dan pertama kali bertemu mentor group aku.

Ms Anik
Mr Sadik
Ms Ika
Mr Aziz

Meet the Mentors

We are so thankful and excited to be part of this exhibition journey. We can watch how the pupils began the exhibition and completed it with great actions. On the other side, the process was also challenging. We need to conduct the mentor meeting with our hectic schedule and interviewing the experts virtually. Overall, we are proud mentors who have seen the students achieve their goals.
Ms Anik, Mr Sadik, Ms Ika, Mr Aziz

How We Organize Ourselves
An inquiry into the interconnectedness of humanmade systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment

Central Idea

The roles of DKI Jakarta Government to handle the natural disaster: flood and earthquake

Learning Outcome

– Explore a range of systems (local, regional, national and
international) and the impact they have on individuals, groups and society.
– Examine how roles and rights of a person in a particular society directly affect their responsibilities;
– Identify and describe means by which citizens can monitor and influence actions of their governments and vice versa.

Key Concept

Causation, function, and responsibility

Related Concept

government, tectonic plates, truth

Lines of Inquiry

How government systems function, the effect of institutional behaviors and attitudes on social justice, and Human response to environment and earthā€™s changes

Al-Qur'an Verses
Students gathered the information and then connected it into the Al-Qur'an.

QS. Ar-Rum (30) ayat 41


     Telah tampak kerusakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan karena perbuatan tangan manusia; Allah menghendaki agar mereka merasakan sebagian dari (akibat) perbuatan mereka, agar mereka kembali (ke jalan yang benar).

QS. Al-Aā€™raf (7) Ayat 168


     Dan Kami pecahkan mereka di dunia ini menjadi beberapa golongan; di antaranya ada orang-orang yang shalih dan ada yang tidak demikian. Dan Kami uji mereka dengan (nikmat) yang baik-baik dan (bencana) yang buruk-buruk, agar mereka kembali (kepada kebenaran)

Step 1

Identifying Globally Significant Issues
Exploring, Wondering, and Questioning

What is it about?

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Indonesia is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. It happens because Indonesia is located on the tectonic zone where the Pacific, Eurasian, and Indo-Australian plates collide. Due to this geography, earthquake and flood occur commonly.

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  The worst metropolitan areas for flooding is in Jakarta, even a 2018 BBC report had stated that Indonesia’s Jakarta is the fastest sinking city. Some studies found the flood caused by extreme rainfall, lack of green space, overload garbage in a river, riverfront buildings, etc.Ā  The flood and earthquake cause fatalities, property damage and social environmental disruption. Due to this disruption, people lost their family, home, job, and education. Therefore, these disasters need to be prevented. Those who have responsible handle the disaster is society, especially government, because government has all the equipment to conduct the actions and has teams to manage the citizens.Ā 

Step 2

Determining Timing and Time Frame
Making Connections between Previous Learning and Current Learning

Exhibition Timeline

We discussed every steps and formulate a timeline to make sure the project is running well. We also invited the experts to share the natural disaster and how the government prevent it. After getting rich information, we plan to take an action for other students at school.Ā 

Step 3

Engaging Support from the Learning Community
Collecting Data and Reporting Findings or Researching and Seeking Information




BPBD is Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah that responsible in handling the disaster for particular region. In this opportunity, the students interviewed Mr. Drs. H. Isnawa Adji, as a chief executive of BPBD DKI Jakarta. The students Learned that in Jakarta, the common disasters are flood, earthquake, and wild fire. Flood and earthquake is mostly happened because of natural phenomenon, and wildfire is because of the human activity.Ā 

The main reason DKI Jakarta mostly experienced earthquake is because the location is in the border between, Indo-Australia and Eurasia plate. Moreover, flood in DKI Jakarta not always because of the natural activity, but some of the human activity can increase the probability of flood. For example, in the past, there were many green field that can absorb the water from the rain, but now days, such places are mostly used by people to build their home. Therefore, there is no absorption process while it is rainy, and it makes the water is stay still which will affect usual people activity.Ā 

Regarding to this problem, BPBD has many programs that they are doing at this moment, such as creating a infiltration wells, river dredging, and re-greening some places. Besides this, they also has an early warning for people around the river, it can be through twitter, using messenger, group Whatsapp, or others media. Also, BPBD socialize the education on how to manage their selves when there is a flood to the people around the river and some schools in DKI Jakarta. Moreover, they are planning to create a literacy room so people can read and learn anything related to the disasters there.

Student's Reflection

Step 4

Organizing Learning
Experimenting and Playing with Possibilities Solving Problems in a Variety of Way

Analyzing Data



They are happy because the DKI government has done many things to prevent flooding. When the disaster happens, DKI Jakarta BPBD cooperates with BNPB, other departments, and the community to handle disasters; this includes an early warning system, modern technology and tools to help disaster victims. Also, they have shelter, facilities, and a post-disaster program to support the refugees.


According to documents from the Dutch colonial era, Jakarta was always prone to floods and earthquakes due to the DKI Jakarta plain which is lower than sea level and makes it prone to flooding. DKI Jakarta is also located at the confluence between the Indo-Australian plate and Eurasian plate so it causes DKI Jakarta to be frequently affected by earthquakes. The other cause is population growth, it reduces the green areas for absorbing water when it rains due to the infrastructure (especially in riverside areas). Moreover, the lack of environmental awareness also increases the risk of flooding and other disasters.


BPBD DKI Jakarta said that early education about environmental awareness and disaster response are very important. Thus, BPBD DKI plans to create a literacy room for students to learn and practice how to respond to the disasters. Therefore, our group wants to investigate whether elementary school students ever attended or experienced disaster response training? What kind of disaster response training do they need? Furthermore, we will conduct a survey to some elementary school students in Jakarta to know whether the students have already experienced or know how to respond when there is a disaster.

Social Experiment

Data Collection and Result

Step 5

Monitoring the Exhibition
Taking and Depending a Position

Action Advocacy: Disaster Response Training at Al Jabr Islamic School

Social Justice: Disaster Response Training and ticking evacuation route signs at SDN Pondok Labu 14

5 Steps Process ADKAR Model Diagram Brainstorm

Step 6

Sharing the Exhibition
Establishing and Testing Theories

Student Self-Assess


Exhibition Stage

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